Monday, January 10, 2011

Easy Classical – TOS review


Have you every wanted to explore a classical education with your children but seem confused or overwhelmed by all of the information available? Easy Classical is a company that can help make teaching your children using a classical education style easier. They provide schedules, writing guides, copybooks and geography curriculum that will help make your job of teaching much simpler. All of the topics are integrated so it is easier to understand for your child.

Classical education involves three stages; grammar, logic and rhetoric. It is also language focused. Easy classical helps bring an easy to follow classical curriculum at an affordable price.

I received the history schedule from Early Modern Times written by Sandra Williams. Even though we do not use a classical education, I really find this schedule to be very good. The schedule is structured around Susan Wise Bauer’s book, The Well Trained Mind and utilizes Story of the World and many other great books. Each week has detailed instructions for the books that the student will read. These seem to be short books or chapters. There are also songs, narrations and history summaries that you complete.

The writing guide (purchased separately) is used over 3 days so your child doesn’t get overwhelmed with the writing process. This seems like a great idea because my son gets anxious when he has to write anything more than just a few sentences at a time. After reading through the book list, I can see that these are books that we would love even though this isn’t the style of learning we use.

Geography, writing and copywork is offered also (the assignments are included on the history schedule but each one of these is a separate purchase) by Easy Classical. You can see a sample of all of these on the website at I looked at the geography lessons that go with the Modern Times and I am very impressed. This looks like it would be a lot of fun and very informative.

Easy Classical also provides science curriculum for grades K-6. These also look great.

The Early Modern Times can be purchased either in a notebook version for $35.95 or a digital version (which is what I received) for $29.95.

You can also get a history bundle which includes all of schedules for history, copywork, writing and geography for $135.95. Visit the Homeschool Crew blog to see what all the other crew members have to say about Easy Classical.

I really liked this curriculum and plan on looking at the geography and science for my kids. I love the fact that it can be used with more than one child at a time.

Our family gives Easy Classical

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Smiley guide:


1 Smiley - Product not really for our family. Probably wouldn’t buy. This really should probably be a frown face but we hate to be negative.

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2 Smileys - Would maybe buy this product if on sale. Not a great fit for our family.

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3 Smileys - We really liked this product and would probably recommend this to friends and fellow homeschoolers.

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4 – Smileys – Definitely would buy this if the budget would allow. We suggest you check this out to see if it is a fit for your family.

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5 Smileys – Would sell the family pets to get this one (just kidding). A must have for our family and we think you should get it too.

Please note that I received a digital copy of Easy Classical’s history schedule in exchange for my honest opinion in this review. I did not promise a positive review. Thank you to TOS and Easy Classical for this opportunity.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I've been looking at Easy Classical for the purposes of having a schedule already made up. I've not really wanted to use Story of the World, so....not sure about it yet. Thank you for posting this review.


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