Today was Faith Day at The Great American Ballpark. For those of you who don’t know where that it is, it’s in Cincinnati.
Now, I don’t like baseball, at all.
I do like the building. I love this where it says Rounding Third and heading for Home! Isn’t that cute?
It was really hot, but we were luckily in the shade most of the game. Do you know that a baseball game takes 3 hours? No, I’m not kidding. The kids were ready to go after about the bottom half of the first inning. We took lots of snacks and drinks. I almost had a heart attack when I saw that a water cost $4.50. I can get a case of water right now for $3.99. Why do people pay that kind of money for water?
I guess cuz they’re hot. Did I mention it was hot? I think it was around 90 degrees.
This was Bella and my favorite part of the game. This is Rosey, one of the Red’s mascots. I can’t imagine how hot it is in that big ball head.
This is the other mascot. I think his name is RedLegs.
The kids kept cool with the water we brought but we did break down and buy Dippin’ Dots. They were $4.50 each. Now, I’ll pay that for ice cream even though it is a little high.
I spent the entire game reading my new book by Danielle Steele. It was nice because I got to read for the entire three hours without feeling like I was neglecting the kids.
Griffin’s favorite part of the game was the Kiss Cam, smile cam and kid cam.
My favorite one was the Beef Cam. That is the one where you show your muscles. There were a couple of pretty beefy guys along with some really cute little kiddy muscles.
At least the Reds won, 2 to 1, over the Braves. The crazy thing was I never saw the only Reds players I know, Johnny Bench and Pete Rose. Not sure about that. LOL
The real reason we went was for the concert after the game.
Mercy Me has came to Cincinnati to do the concert for Faith Day for the past several years. I had never seen Mercy Me live but I love their music.
I can only Imagine is one of my favorite songs and they didn’t let their fans down. They played this and many other great songs.
A few of the band members even wore Red’s T-shirts and ball hats. Griffin and David loved seeing all of the different guitars that they used. Of course, now they want to buy a Fender.
So, all in all, the concert was worth the extremely hot day. Next time, I would rather pay more to just see the concert. We were up very, very high. Bella was impressed because we were higher than the birds. God blessed us with a beautiful, clear sky. Mercy Me did an awesome job, and I guess, so did the Reds. There were over 45,000 people at the sold out game. I only wish more would have stayed for the concert.
Ice cream and Pop Ice at the Park - $12.00
Tickets to the game - $7.00
Gas to Cincinnati - $30.00
Hearing Mercy Me worship God - Priceless
So amazing! I've actually been there! When I was in 6th grade a group of kids from my school were 'treated' to a ball game. The only one I've ever been to but it was great!
Too bad they didn't have Mercy Me playing when I was there!! ;)
And your blog looks good :)
~Blossom another TOSer
I've always wanted to attend a Faith Day, but they were never in my area. Now that I'm living where people freely talk about God on the local news, I'm waiting to see when one of these days might come around my neighborhood. It looks like the kids had a great time, but I probably would have been like them, ready to go before the game was over. I can't believe that people actually left before the concert started. We're you able to get a better seat?
I totally understand about getting to do some pleasure reading whenever you get a chance. I've committed to reading a few books for myself (no board books, school books, etc.) before the year is out.
Thanks for visiting my blog. We do love using the library to get movies, I especially enjoy it when DS14 finds a wonderful oldie he gets so excited over! I also enjoy Mercy Me what a wonderful day you all had.
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