Friday, January 21, 2011

Pray Big

The last few weeks at church, we have heard about praying BIG prayers.  This is something that I need to work on.  I guess I’m afraid God isn’t going to answer and I don’t want to be disappointed. 

But, if I want God to be able to work in my life, I need to pray BIG, stop the sun kind of prayers.  I’m working on it. 

Adam, who is the minister at GCC where we are attending, has amazing sermons.  You can listen to all of them by visiting his blog.

Today’s blog post is especially true.  Why do we allow the world to influence us more than God?   Please go read what he has to say.  You will be enlightened and hopefully changed in ways you could never have imagined.   David and I feel like God has brought us to this church to do great things in our (and others) lives. 


I also highly recommend listening the music from Reset while you’re there.  They are a very talented group of kids. 

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