Monday, February 14, 2011

Oh my Gosh, I got an award

I have to admit it doesn’t take much to excite me. But, I was super excited when I had a blogger friend give me a Stylish Blogger award. Now, I’m pretty sure she just couldn’t think of anyone else (LOL) cuz my blog is anything but stylish, but I’ll take it all the same. Go visit Minivan Moments and be inspired. Angie is a great homeschooling Mama whose love for God inspires me. Thanks so much Angie.

So, now here’s what I have to do cuz I got this award. StylishBlogger_thumb

The rules for this award:
~ Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award
~ Share 7 things about yourself
~ Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers

~ Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award

First, 7 things about myself.

1 – I Love God! You may already know that about me, but I want it to be the first thing you see about me. My goal is to mirror Jesus in all I do, say and the way I live my life. I’m not perfect at this. Some days I’m not even good at it. But I try to do better every day.

2 - I sometimes hide chocolate from my kids. (I am hiding my head in shame as I type this) No explanation needed here. Usually it is just ho-ho’s but any chocolate is possible.

3 – I am afraid of the dark. I used to say that I’m just afraid of what is in the dark but as I get older, I admit that really isn’t true. When David works at night, I prop chairs under the doors and put so much stuff in front of that that if someone tried to break in, they would literally break their neck. Thankfully, this doesn’t happen often.

4 – Fried Cabbage is my favorite food. I know. It smells pretty gross but friend cabbage sandwiches are what I would ask for if I had to pick a last meal.

5 – I hate cleaning. I don’t hate a lot of things in this life. But cleaning is definitely a hate thing for me. If I had lots of money, I’d hire a maid. But, choosing to be a stay at home mom doesn’t afford me that luxury so I just thank God for children who I can make do it for me. Before we had kids, David would say he wanted them to so they could mow the yard, me for the cleaning.

6 - I don’t have a favorite color. I have a few that I prefer for different things like clothes and home decor but I don’t really have a favorite. Blue for clothes (for me and my whole family, LOL) and dark brown for the house (right now).

7 - I want to be skinny, but not enough to diet and exercise. Some days I wish David would just tell me to lose weight so I would have an incentive. Of course, if he did, I wouldn’t speak to him for days. Since I know I’ll probably never be skinny again, I would just like to be satisfied with how I am.

Now, to award some great bloggers. (I don’t know if I can come up with 15, but here’s a good try). I am just going to list them. Please go check them out to see what great blogs they have!

Mama Squirrel over at Dewey’s Treehouse.

Our Homeschool Reviews

Kris at My Story: Life with the . . ..

Debra at Footprints in the butter (love the name of her blog). Mine would be toast crumbs in the butter.

Abbie at Second Star to the Right

Tristan at Our Busy Homeschool (she really does stay busy and I think her avatar might be my favorite!!)

Okay, that’s it for now. Gotta get upstairs and read to my kiddos. I promised them a chapter in Little Britches before we go to bed tonight. Congratulations to all of these ladies whose blogs I love (but don’t get to read often enough). There are so many more that deserve this award but I’m tired.

Happy Homeschooling!


Unknown said...

Thanks for thinking of my blog ;)

Angie said...

Oh, you give yourself too little credit! I had other blog options that i ignored when awarding the Stylish Blogger Award, and that is why i didn't list a full 15 - i wanted the ones i did Award to be true. :^) Also, i wrote it wrong: it isn't Stylish BLOG but BLOGGER and YOU are DEFINITELY a Stylish BLOGGER.

Have a beautiful day!

Our Homeschool Reviews said...

Thanks for the award and thinking of me!!

Loving learning at Home said...

You're very welcome, girls!


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