Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 1 of Gratitude Challenge

My friend Brenda at Garden of Learning is doing a much needed challenge for me.  Each day in November, we are to write a post about one thing we are grateful for.   This is a great time for remembering all of the blessings in our lives. 

So, today, for the first day, I am thankful for God's Grace.

I am a sinner.  I could think, "but, hey who isn't?"

I know that is not how God intended me to view his Grace.   He gives it willingly and I thank him so much for that.  I'd like to think I'm growing in God's grace but I still fail.  Daily.  I try hard to be what God intends for me to be.  But most days life gets in the way.  I find it hard to do his will.   But, I'm trying.  I won't give up.

I long to be like Jesus.

It isn't an accident that our daughter Bella's middle name is Grace.  She reminds me daily of God's amazing grace.  How amazing is it that he forgives us no matter what?  Our sins are covered by his blood on the cross. Hallelujah for that.  

With this challenge, I am going to also read my Bible more.  

Join me daily.  Fortunately, my blessings overflow and I could write a post daily for a year and not even begin to "count my blessings". 

Thank you God for all you do.

Here's one of my favorite songs on Grace.

Happy Homeschooling.  

1 comment:

Rodna Allman said...

God is so good, isn't He? I am also very thankful for my Lord. I love Him so much. Without Him we would have nothing to be thankful for.


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