Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I hate puzzles

A friend and I were talking the other day about puzzles.  She loves them and does them with her family.  I feel awful saying this, but I imagehate puzzles.  I mean the kind with a billion pieces that take forever.

I do like the wooden ones that my kids had when they were little.  You know the ones.  They have a hole where you put one piece and there are a total of 5 or 6 pieces  total.  Now that I can handle.

When I was at the toy store the other day I saw the new 3D puzzles.  Are they kidding me?  Not only do I have to find the pieces that fit together, I have to build a statute at the same time? 

Because we homeschool, there are times that I do puzzles with the kids.  But, only because I feel like I have to.  We have done United States puzzles, world puzzles, even math puzzles.  My kids enjoy them even though I don’t.  So, for the sake of education, I will help the kids but between me and you, I hate  puzzles.

Happy Homeschooling.


closed said...

I am glad I am not the only one! I dislike puzzles so much...I mean the wooden ones like you said are fine, and I do have those for my toddler and preschooler however when you get past oh the 10 piece mark I am not in it with you(: I know the toys and things they come out with these days are a little silly...I mean a puzzle is a puzzle your making art! Some things should have stayed the same when the times changed! I wont tell your secret...blessings...Kris

Lisa said...

I just had to laugh while reading this post! Puzzles are not my favorite either. I used to love them but now I guess I just don't have the patience for them. :)

It's ok, you're not alone!

Epic Childhood said...

I am just like you on puzzles. My kids don't like them either. I buy them puzzles but they just seem to not be really thrilled with them.


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