Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Our week in review

I love to read posts about what other homeschooling families are doing.  So, I’ve decided to post about what we have been learning.  I’m hoping this will keep us on track for the remainder of the school year.  I love comments so please feel free to let me know what you thing. 

Spring is almost here.  Can you believe it?  I am so ready.  We just finished studying about Winter.  We used The Old Schoolhouse Download and Go called Winter.  The kids learned how snowflakes are formed, how to make your own snowflake and all about Snowflake Bentley.  If you don’t know who he is, you really should investigate him at your local library.  He was a very neat man.   We made snow and then let it “dry” to see how long it takes a polymer to go back to it’s original state.  We’re still waiting on that one. 

We also did a science experiment with gummy bears.  We learned 102_7158about the polymers that are inside these yummy treats.  The kids were dissappointed because they couldn’t eat them.  Personally, I wonder if we should 102_7159ever eat them after this experiment.   This shows the effect of salt on a polymer. 

Griffin has been enjoying writing comics lately.  He is a very good little artist and 102_7119likes to make up funny strips.  He likes drawing way better than writing.

For English, we are using Learning Language Arts through Literature.  Both of the kids are learning to love to read.  This is an easy way to get English into our day.  Griffin is also working through Simply Grammar.  We love using Charlotte Mason style learning.  My kids learn best when we do short lessons and can concentrate so much better this way.  The nice weather outside is great for her learning style also.  Bella asked this morning if we could do our reading outside.  We enjoyed reading on the front porch listening to the birds sing.




It seems like we usually do more of one subject at certain time and science has been very heavy lately.  I have been looking for a good science curriculum.  I found one called Rainbow Science that I am looking into.  I’ll let you know if I learn more about this.  It seems like it would fit our learning style perfectly.   Right now we are working through Konos.  The kids wanted to start plants from seeds so this is our attempt at that.  They planted different types of lettuce and spinach.  Hopefully we’ll have plants soon.

We also have been learning about the Ear.  The kids learned all about Alexander Graham Bell (I learned a lot from this too).  We made our own set of “phones” and they had fun playing outside with them.  It 102_7175really is amazing that these work very well.  102_7176





We also are having so much fun with our new crayon maker.  Learning all about mixing colors and what makes certain shades is not just for preschoolers.  Griffin and Bella picked their favorite colors and mixed them to see what they would get.   They have spent hours making new crayons which I now keep in my purse to use when we go out to eat.  It’s nice having different colors other than the ones they hand out at restaurants.  My kids definitely have the best pictures with these homemade creations.   This is a few of the ones they have made.  102_7173

Math has been great lately.  Griffin is working through Saxon level 6.  He is so intelligent when it comes to math.  He told me today that I over explain things.  He said, just tell me which problems I have to do, I don’t need you to explain it.  That makes me kind of sad, but it also reassures me that I am doing my job.  I have always said I want my kids to know how to learn, not just learn what I teach them.   Looks like its working.   Bella is using Horizon’s math level 3.  She is starting to learn her multiplication tables.    She is also very good in math.

We enjoy listening to music while we do school.  I’ve tried classical but they hate it.  Don’t tell them, but I don’t particularly care for it either.  We usually end up listening to my favorite CD by Mark Shultz.  It’s my cleaning CD. 

Our school days are not overly long, but the kids sure are learning more than I ever dreamed possible.  I love having my kids at home.  Even on the days when things don’t go smooth, it is a joy that I consider a gift from God that my kids are with me every day.   Learning never stops at our home.  I hope you are learning new things daily with your children also. 

Happy Homeschooling. 


Melissa N. said...

Howdie...Looks like a great time over there! Our schooling days are not very long far as our "book" work goes only a little over an hour, but we do so many other things for "School"...

We are learning about bones right now and we learned yesterday that the ear has the smallest bone in the body in it!

Have a great week!

Melissa -
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose. Dr. Seuss

The Adventurer said...

Thanks for following and I am now following back.:) I use the DNG units sometimes. I love following home schooling blogs. I have been homeschooling X2 years and love it (even on the bad days:))


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