Company: Apologia
Product: Educating the WholeHearted Child
Price: $22.00
I love books. This image shows it all. (Just for the record, don’t google “I love books free images”. It did remind me that the internet can be a scary place and to make sure I know what my children are doing at all times on it. Just sayin’) I especially love homeschooling books. I am always eager to learn new ways to make homeschooling exciting for my children. I also, more importantly, am always looking for ways to teach them that God is the author of our lives.
I have been blessed with a free copy of Educating the WholeHearted Child from Apologia as part of the TOS crew. If I haven’t explained how the crew works before, here is is. I get free homeschooling materials in exchange for writing a review on my blog. I don’t promise that I will say I LOVED the product. I don’t even promise to say I liked it. I’m just asked to use it in our home and then let you, my readers, know what I think.
One of my favorite homeschooling books and review items to date has been The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling. You can read that review here. It is another great book put out by Apologia.
Apologia has so many great books to help you as a homeschooling parent excel at raising Godly children.
Now for the book.
First, it is a very large paperback edition (3rd, that is). There are almost 400 pages that are filled with tips, ideas and advice for homeschooling families. It has a very glossy cover that I loved. It is written by Clay Clarkson with Sally Clarkson. The only problem is that it is very hard to read a book this large in the bathtub, which is where I do my best reading. If you’re a homeschooling mama, you totally understand. That is pretty much the only place I get to be by myself. The book costs $22 and I have to say is worth every penny, if not more.
Usually, I’m not one to say buy a book. I’m more of a “get it at your local library” kinda gal. We are on a fixed budget. We only have one income in our family so books usually are the last thing I can spend money on. This time, I say
By page 2 of the first chapter, I had my highlighter out. Well, actually, I was out of town and all I could find was a yellow colored pencil, but it worked.
A Christian home is one in which the parent’s purposefully keep Jesus Christ at the center of every area of family life.
Home is a place, by God’s design, where you can shield them from those negative influences, protect their innocence, and preserve the good in their hearts and minds.
Home is good, but that’s only half the solution.
You are also saying (1) that you home will give GOd the most undistracted access to their hearts and minds and
(2) that your home will give you the greatest freedom to influence them for God in their entire childhood.
If you desire to teach your children effectively, their hearts must first be turned to God.
That is just a few of the first things I highlighted. Aren’t those powerful statements. Of course, David got tired of hearing me read to him because I finally just was reading everything to him. This is an amazing book.
The ten biblical reasons for homeschooling are exactly why we homeschool. I would love to print them out so that when someone asks me how I do it, I can just hand them the sheet of paper and say “this is our desire for our children and we feel homeschooling gives us the best chance of fulfilling this.” Reasons like, Homeschooling best reflects the Bible’s model for family that is closest to God’s original design.
Homeschooling provides the best setting for self motivated learning through reading and real books.
Homeschooling is the best way to live out the biblical picture of walking with your children on God’s path of life until they walk it on their own.
Notice it says until they walk it on their own. Not until we send them away for 8 hours a day and allow them to be taught by others in a secular setting.
I have only just begun reading this book. Because I homeschool, I don’t generally have time to read for pleasure like I would love to. But, here’s what I love about it so far (besides the fact that the authors love of homeschooling, their children, and God shine through ever page of the book).
- There are Bible verses on every page. These show where God stands on what they have said in this book.
- That the book is over 375 pages long. That’s a lot of homeschooling help.
- Tells all about homeschooling styles and explains how you can fit it to your child’s individual likes and needs.
- The introduction of the Whole Hearted Learning Model. This is a biblically based approach to home education that integrates learning and educational goals for children into God’s design for the family. This can be implemented into any home setting. This is a one-size-fits-all designer (and Designer) educational model for the Christian home. Like I said, I haven’t read the entire book, but I love the looks ofthis method. I love the fact that all of the ideas in this book includes the love of books. They encourage you to read to your children and let them read to you. Living books are such a great way to learn. The five parts of the Model are built like a house with the foundation being Discipleship Studies. The other parts are Disciplined Studies, Discussion Studies, Discovery Studies and Discretionary Studies. If you use these 5 areas, you will be providing an integrated and comprehensive plan for your homeschool.
- They give you suggested resources. Lots of them.
- In our Home. This is little sections of how the authors homeschool and things that have helped them along the way. It is also little stories that give us a glimpse of their lives. I love to read about other homeschooling families.
- Sidenotes. Honestly, the information in the sidenotes of this book could be a book in themselves. There is a plethora of information that is wonderful.
- Resources. There are forms, book lists, Bible reading record and journals and so much more.
Now for what I don’t like about the book.
- Too large to read in the bathtub.
Um, I guess that’s about it. I really do love this book. I can’t wait to be able to continue highlighting all of the great ideas and implementing them in our homeschooling days.
Books still tend to be my favorite review item. Educating the WholeHearted Child has helped me to continue that thought. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it or not but
and I want my children to too. Books can take you places you will never be able to experience in real life. This book has allowed me to see a glimpse of what my dream for our family can be. I look forward to reading more and learning how to reach the goals we have for homeschooling.
Let me leave you with my favorite part so far of the book.
Value the Eternal
Your children are your most valuable assets. They are priceless, eternal treasures entrusted to you by God. They are yours for a short time, after which you will present them back to God. He has given them to you to invest for eternity. If you treasure those young lives, that is where your heart will be – reproduced in their hearts. If you treasure the things of this world, though, you will have missed the opportunity to touch their hearts for God. You must decide what, or who, is going to matter most to you this side of eternity. For, “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” In other words, the designs of your mind will define the desires of your heart.
And to that I say, “Amen”.
Happy Homeschooling.
Our family gives Educating the WholeHearted Child
Smiley guide
1 Smiley - Product not really for our family. Probably wouldn’t buy. This really should probably be a frown face but we hate to be negative.
2 Smileys - Would maybe buy this product if on sale. Not a great fit for our family.
3 Smileys - We really liked this product and would probably recommend this to friends and fellow homeschoolers.
4 – Smileys – Definitely would buy this if the budget would allow. We suggest you check this out to see if it is a fit for your family.
5 Smileys – Would sell the family pets to get this one (just kidding). A must have for our family and we think you should get it too.
To see what my fellow crew mates have to say about this this product, click here.
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Please note: I received this book in exchange for my honest opinion in this review. No other compensation was provided. Thank you to Apologia and TOS for this opportunity.
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