Saturday, May 30, 2009

Assessment Time; Reflection Time

I went to our yearly assessment today and had a really good time listening to everyone's great ideas. It is so good to be around people who agree with our homeschooling philosophies. Even though all of families have different goals and ideas, we are all working towards the same major goal of having children who love to learn. It is hard sometimes when family members don't agree with your choices and it tends to get me down. Times like today really get me back on track. I am just want to raise children who love God and can learn what they need to know to be productive in life. I have told my best friend Julia often that I don't care whether my kids grow up to be doctors or garbage collectors, I just want them to be people that others enjoy being around. I love to encourage them in their studies and let them know they can be anything they want to be. I truly enjoy being with my kids. I am excited to be trying new curriculum that the kids really love. Griffin's eyes light up when he asks if we can do math. What a gift that God has allowed me to have this time in my children's lives. All too soon they will be grown up. I am going to really try to enjoy every moment. Until next time, God Bless.

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