Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm So Excited

Hi Everyone! I just found out that I have been chosen to participate in the "Homeschool Crew" for the upcoming year. This is so exciting. I will be reviewing homeschool curriculum and items. This is a great opportunity for our family because we will be receiving all of the items I review at no cost. I cannot wait to get started. Please keep me in your prayers. I hope to be an asset to this adventure and help many families learn about exciting new products.

We have been going strong with school for the past couple of weeks. The kids are really excited with the new science curriculum that we purchased at the conference. Griffin actually asks to do school now. Bella, as always, loves anything we do. We have also switched to RightStart Math and both of them are enjoying this. We have just started so I'm not sure what we think of it yet. I'm just happy that they don't hate it. They love using the abacus that they made.

We are getting ready for lots of graduation parties this weekend. We have 9 people in our family graduating this year. We are also going to try to camp this weekend so we should be busy. I also have to go to our assessment for the school year. Gosh, I didn't realize how busy we were going to be.

Thanks for looking.


Debbie said...

Yahoo!!! I'm so excited for you, an author, and a seamstress. Wow! What a spring for mommy, too.

Sarah said...

Congratulations! I wanted to be on the Crew again but knew that we needed to make way for others to try their hands at it. It's a lot of fun and work but worth it! Also way to go on the sewing! I have so many sewing projects going on I need to get cracking. I also won the skirt pattern from Squiggly Twigs contest and have the material now just make it :)


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