A Must have for every homeschool family!
I am so excited to be doing my first official review for the Homeschool Crew. I received the planner and my first reaction was “TOS has done it again”. I purchased the planner last year and loved it. I didn’t even use the forms and still thought it was worth the price. I love the fact that this year it is a downloadable PDF file. You don’t have to wait for the mailman to bring this one to you. The price for the new 2009-2010 planner is only $39.00. This may sound like a lot until you see what all is included. I can assure you, it is well worth the expense.
I personally recommend buying the E-Book: 2009-2010 Planner & Module Membership which gives you the planner and every module for the whole school year. This is a great deal at $99.99. Click this link to go directly to the web page to purchase this from The Old Schoolhouse Store. You will not want to miss a single module. You could honestly use these for your school year and have a great curriculum. These modules can also be purchased separately if you do not wish to buy the planner.
Click here to see the March 2009 module as an individual purchase.
The planner has 375 pages and an insurmountable amount of information. I personally loved the section on home preparedness. My son is terrified of storms and I think it is true that knowledge is power. Hopefully these will help him feel more in control when scary weather comes up. I think it is so important for families to know what to do in the case of an emergency. There is information on tornados, earthquakes, hurricanes and fires. No family should be without these.
The American Government Basics section was very informative even for me. It briefly explains the branches of government has great links for learning even more.
One thing my family loves to do is sit outside at night and look for shooting stars. The section “Learning to spot the planets” is a must see for anyone interested in astronomy or who, like us, just love to look at the stars. I was amazed to learn that all of the planets are visible without a telescope at certain times of the year. I can’t wait to take the kids outside to see which ones we can find.
My favorite thing about the planner (besides the recipes) is the section on lapbooking. WE LOVE LAPBOOKS! Although they take a lot of work, I encourage everyone to read this section and try it out. You will not be disappointed with the results. If your children are like mine, they will love to keep looking through the ones they have made.
The miscellaneous information section has a plethora (that’s my new favorite word) of information for every homeschooling family. I love to be able to find lots of information in one place. The kitchen conversion sheet is one I know I will use. Why is it that I can never remember how many cups are in a quart? This will definitely be printed out and put in my cabinet.
And as if all of the above isn’t reason enough to buy The 2009-2010 Homeschool Planner, you get every form your could ever need for your homeschooling family. I love that you can type directly into the planner and either save or print them out. There are also over a hundred household forms for you to use as well. Click here to see all the planner has to offer you. . It looks like they have thought of everything. I am definitely going to use the forms this year. My goal for next school year is to be better organized and I know with The Homeschool Planner I am well on my way.
You can see more of the Homeschool Crew reviews on this product here.
I'm really impressed with the Planner myself. The folks at TOS really did think of *everything*!
Great review; keep up the excellent work!
Oh, I purposely avoided reading the planets article... I'm saving that to read with my kids! And now you have me excited to get to it.
Good job on the review!
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