Friday, March 11, 2011

Oh, How I wish . . ..

I have been running virus protection on my computers today to make sure it isn’t infected with any crazy stuff.   So far, my laptop has 30 things found that need to be taken care of. 

When the scan quits, all I have to do is hit “delete all” and everything bad goes away.   Wouldn’t it be amazing if life came with virus protection?  All of the bad things in my life could be wiped out by one click.  

What are some areas of your life that need “cleaned up”?  I know, in my life, I have so many areas that I need to improve.   

At times I seem to have no protection at all.  This is when I know I have turned away from God. 

Bad language – Found

Gossip – Found

Bad attitude  - Found

Disrespecting others – Found

Daily Bible Reading (other than kid’s school work) – Missing

On and on goes my list of infected areas of my life.  Now, I don’t think McAffee or AdAware will help me.  But, I do know who can.  The best protector of all times.  And guess what?  I don’t have to pay $39.99 for a year of his protection. 


Dear God, Please take out all of the bad things in my life and imagereplace them with you.  I long for you to fill my heart with your goodness.    I know you are “the way” to a fulfilling life.

 As I wait for my computer to be fixed, I’m gonna go spend time with God so my entire life can be “virus free”.  Join me in God’s Word.

God Bless.

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