Thursday, October 27, 2011

Art is our thing

My family loves art.  My husband can draw anything.  He really is wasting his life being a surgical assistant.  LOL  He could be an artist instead of saving lives. 

Griffin and Bella definitely take after him and not me.  I’m good with crafts and really enjoy them but I can’t draw a straight line with a ruler. 

Virtual Refridgerator

I am writing this post as part of a meme my friend Jennifer over at Glimpse of our Life is doing.  Each week brings great art and a way to share our children’s crafts.

Bella entered some items in our fair last month and this gives me a great opportunity to share one of her winning items.   This was done using a collage effect out of everyday household items.  We used matches, beads, rice, cloths pins for antlers, construction paper, feathers and a brown paper bag.  We got this idea out of an Usborne Art Book.

102_8238She did a great job (at least I think so).  As you can see she won a blue ribbon and Best of show for this in her age division.  She is 8 years old.  She also drew a really cute picture of an elephant.  But that’s for another week.

Happy Homeschooling and have fun with art. 


Jennifer said...

That is so cool! Congratulations to Bella on those well deserved ribbons. My kiddos get their art talent from their Daddy, too. Thanks for linking with the virtual refrigerator!

Mary said...

Way to go Bella!

Christa said...

Love it!! TOO CUTE!! Way to go1

Kym said...

That is so cute! And congrats on the ribbons.


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